best tactics and strategies in the world will get you nowhere if you can't
execute. The same is true with executing a strategic business exit plan.
is key to executing a successful exit. Constant communication with our clients
and periodic reviews of activity and milestones ensures that there is consistent
progress towards meeting your exit plan goals.
you consider that there are as many as seven or eight different disciplines
engaged in executing a plan (not including management), it is easy to see just
how important it is for clear communication - not only between the you and each
advisor, but between advisors as well.
our initial strategic review, where we outline the goals and plan of action, to
annual strategic reviews where we all meet together to ensure we are on track,
through the actual realization and completion of the plan, there are many
instances of documented communications between advisors and yourself that keep
the process organized and efficient.
Advisors has a proprietary Execution Roadmap (see below) that we use to help you
identify specific actions that need to be taken to drive the strategies, tactics
and operations you need to create additional value in your company.